IoT Tech Expo North America to feature Applied IoT Security conference track

IoT Tech Expo North America to feature Applied IoT Security conference track

IoT Tech Expo

Speakers from a variety of industries will discuss recent innovations and how they can stimulate business growth

Amber Hickman |

IoT Tech Expo North America will feature an Applied Internet of Things (IoT) Security conference track in its 2023 programme. 

The track will showcase recent IoT security innovations and ways that businesses can use them to stimulate growth. 

Sessions will focus on intelligent building security, supply chain management, device security, data volumes and IoT, cyber security strategies and more. 

Speakers include Braja Krishna Das, lead engineer of IoT at Starbucks; Stevie Rhim, senior platform product manager at healthcare technology provider Abbott; and Christopher Witbracht, global director of technology and security at brewery Anheuser-Busch InBev. 

“We believe that this new track will be a valuable addition to our programme, providing attendees with an opportunity to gain insights from top IoT experts and learn about the latest security trends,” said Lia Richards, head of conference at TechEx Events. 

IoT Tech Expo North America is taking place in Santa Clara, California, on 17-18 May 2023.

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