The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

135 transaction,” explains Johnson. “It all rolls up into the Adyen platform in a familiar manner for people, where before we had separate systems for these sorts of things. It’s nice that it’s unified.” Ste. Michelle’s applications support specialist Bryan Ingraham concurs. “The search is really fast, and you’re going through what’s probably millions of transactions now. It’s impressive how quick you can get to the bottom of something.” Adyen’s Real Time Account Updater feature has also saved Ste. Michelle time and money by optimising how it manages recurring sub- scription services and wine clubs. Previously, expired, lost, stolen or transferred cards could lead to declined payments and involuntary churn, and correcting this was an arduous task because the organisation had to reauthorise payments individually customer by customer. Now, it can effectively recover lost revenue at a push of the button. “The thing I really love that I don’t think I make a big enough noise about is – for our busi- ness with a club model with recurring payments – the Real Time Account Updater is huge for us,” says Ingraham. “It’s pretty nice to basically flip a switch and recover a large sum of money.” Adyen’s solution also offers Ste. Michelle a firm foundation for the future. The end-to-end nature of unified commerce has enabled it to be flexible and open new avenues for its continued evolu- tion. Ste. Michelle will soon implement QR code functionality, develop an all-in-one app and are also in a POS customer insights program. “It’s fun to be one of the few, or one of the first, on something, whether it’s overall or in our industry,” says Ingraham. “I like it when companies are willing to take a risk. We see it a lot with Microsoft and we’re seeing it a lot with Adyen. We’re going to continue to innovate, and we need to be flexible, adaptable and open to change. I think we all recognise now as a com- pany that change is a good thing.” R E TA I L & C PG Photo: Ste. Michelle Wine Estates Photo: Ste. Michelle Wine Estates