The Record - Issue 20: Spring 2021

99 “By combining the right productivity apps, intelligent cloud services and security, the industry can set its workforces up for success” For a growing number of manufacturers, enhancing productivity goes hand in hand with personalised learning to provide an enriching workplace experience. “We’re seeing an acceler- ation in manufacturers adopting fully digitised approaches to recreate the best of in-person learning through live video and social sharing,” says Masson. Manufacturing and resources companies across the world are using Microsoft technologies to create the perfect combination for their busi- ness. For instance, Australian mining company BHP used Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Dynamics 365 Remote Assist to deliver support and train- ing to field workers from thousands of miles away, even when Covid-19 safety restrictions limited the number of people who could work on-site. BHP leveraged IoT sensors and indus- trial computers connected to Microsoft Azure to create a solution that puts data into the hands of maintenance technicians on their smartphone or tablet. Employees found the technologies to be intuitive and helpful, empowering them to try new things to safely get on with the job. Masson says that providing a wide network of digital tools and modern devices that offer the best experiences for collaboration and produc- tivity is the key for manufacturers to empower their workers for the future. “Manufacturers don’t want to simply adjust to a digitally trans- formed industry,” he says. “They also want to drive better business outcomes through pro- cess and workflow automation. To achieve this, they need to empower their workforces with tools and solutions that fully integrate people and processes.” Johnson Controls, for example, used digital tools to continue driving employee engagement MANU FAC TUR I NG & R E SOUR C E S