Technology Record - Issue 27: Winter 2022

52 COV E R S TOR Y “ While we have invested a lot in making our authoring application very easy to use, we have partners who are experts in the creation of training materials” DARREN BENNETT, MICROSOFT real-time feedback in the physical work area. The scenario feels so intuitive that you can forget that advance computer vision is at play.” In an ever-changing technology landscape where new approaches are being taken to improve the way businesses use AI, the cloud and augmented reality solutions, Microsoft has high hopes for what its solutions might enable in the future. “Mixed reality, Azure and AI, along with the apps and services – like Field Service, Remote Assist and Guides – that empower frontline workers, are all important to deliver the Industrial Metaverse,” says Cheng. “This new iteration of the metaverse will enable organisations across the world to rethink how they design and optimise their processes – and we are proud to be part of it.” Incorporating mixed reality “Mazars implements Microsoft’s mixed reality applications for HoloLens 2, including Dynamics 365 Guides and Remote Assist. Focused on adding business value for our clients, Mazars supports the full scope of operations, including assessment, roadmapping, planning, implementing and maximising how mixed reality applications are incorporated in an organisation’s overall system landscape, business process and strategy. One example includes how Mazars empowers frontline workers through Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Dynamics 365 Guides, providing detailed work instructions supported by 3D assets, videos and pictures. This helps to minimise risk, ensure consistency and increase compliance.” CHR I S T I AN S E GURADO : M I C ROSOF T MV P, MA ZAR S