Technology Record - Issue 31: Winter 2023

90 FEATURE British banking and insurance holding company NatWest Group serves 19 million customers across 12 banking and financial services brands via its network of call centres. To deliver the best possible service to customers while also protecting their data, NatWest relies on cloud-native biometric security solution Nuance Gatekeeper to monitor incoming calls and verify individuals’ identities. The Nuance solution streamlines the verification process. This allows contact centre agents to identify customers through natural conversation, removing the need for them to ask specific questions or request security codes or secret answers, and helping to verify customers quickly. NatWest Group is just one of many financial services organisations investing in Microsoftpowered technologies to empower customer service workers to work more efficiently and productively. “Contact centre agents who are properly trained on company policies and equipped with the right tools are able to deliver improved customer satisfaction and efficiency,” says Chris Caile, director of product marketing at Microsoft, and former director of solutions marketing and intelligent engagement at Nuance Communications, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2022. At the same time, customers have grown accustomed to personalised service in other industries and expect no less from their financial services providers. “As consumers, we are all similar,” explains Caile. “When issues arise with our bank, investment or insurance company, we call customer support and expect great service from “ Agents who lack the training and technology to instantly – and correctly – assist customers run the risk of hurting customer satisfaction and the business” Microsoft’s Chris Caile explains how financial services organisations can develop approaches to better engage and empower their call centre agents to work effectively BY ALICE CHAMBERS Your call is important to us