Technology Record - Issue 32: Spring 2024

INTERVIEW 68 Long-term access to actionable data Mike Quinn shares the importance of effective data governance and how Preservica is working with Microsoft to help organisations gain the advantage Data is one of the most valuable assets for an organisation, and leveraging data can provide a competitive advantage, set you up for using artificial intelligence and future needs including compliance, as well as a range of benefits including customer retention and streamlined services. There are several factors involved in the data governance process, and according to IDC’s 2023 Cloud Ops survey, 44 per cent of organisations say that data availability is the key ingredient. However, some organisations are still struggling, as the same survey also revealed that less than 13 per cent of organisations consider their governance and automation capabilities to be excellent. Mike Quinn, CEO of Preservica, believes that one of the factors hindering these organisations is the amount of data they have to deal with. “According to Microsoft, over two billion documents and emails are added to Microsoft 365 every day and about a third of those require retention for over seven years,” explains Quinn. “Simply put, that’s a lot of data.” Moreover, IDC’s survey also found that 52 per cent of business and IT leaders worry about data loss and inaccessibility. “A lot of organisations retain important longterm and legacy data and content in SharePoint,” says Quinn “However this can expose the business to data loss risks from poor application BY AMBER HICKMAN Image: Preservica